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Article Essay Project High-Intermediate4

assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

sekarang gw pengen ngepost  satu artikel tentang " Essay Project " gw waktu gw ujian High Intermediate 4
mungkin ajah nih bisa jadi referensi buat temen - temen gw yang nanti mau ujian HI4
semoga bisa bermanfaat yahh,,

waktu itu gw dapet tema : Violence On TV
dengan tema tersebut akhirnya gw mutusin untuk ngambil judul : Effect of Violence on TV for Children
hampir setengah edan bikinnya,,
waktu itu gw jadi pertama, tapi harus direvisi kata guru gw,,
tapi alhamdulillah dengan artikel yang gw buat ini sekarang gw udah lulus level HI4

hmm.. sebelumnya gw minta maaf yah kalo ada grammer gw yang salah,,
hehehehe ^_^ 
gw kan juga masih belajar,,
maklum gw kan orang indonesia asli, yang berusaha untuk belajar bahasa inggris,,
yahh gini dehh hasilnya,,
hehehe ^_^

ok check this out,,

Effects of Violence on TV for Children
Nowadays, television becomes the most influencing thing for making children changes their attitude. Why can it happened? Because television has the magical power for any audiences who watch all programs which provided by it. Television also give lesson to people who watch anything which television show to them.  Television has so many purposes such as, to inform, to entertain, and many more. But it also show bad things beside other purposes. Programs in television is not always good because it consist of many violences, pornography, crime, etc. These are bad things that are not safe for children’s consumption. I was wondering if children may have no access to  such tremendous acts of violence, “can they ever imagine these things without television?”. Eventhough TV has so many possitive effects, it also has negative effects. Imitating what the children see on TV, triggering negative attitude, and becoming aggressive are the effects of violence on TV.
            First, children tend to imitate what they see on TV. People in Indonesia tend to think that cartoon films are safe for children’s consumption. In fact, many cartoon such as, Naruto, Tom & Jerry, and Crayon Sinchan have violence contents. There is a case of cartoon verbal violence, Crayon Sinchan cartoon movie make children use language that is impolite such as “this is my elephant” (on the different meaning). And then Crayon Sinchan also contain of physical violence, for example when Sinchan’s mother was angry with Sinchan, she hit Sinchan’s head until his head bump.
Second, TV will trigger negative attitude. Children can do crimes. For example, a child who is watching the news about the violence inherent in news programs, like scenes how to kill someone, then the child tend to do so. Such actions are included in the criminal act, because it eliminates a person's life. Children tend to be selfish. If children often watch violence on television, they tend to have a bad temper because they prefer their emotion  rather than his mind. when a child with this bad temper join an organization to put forward then kid’s selfishness, while those in need in an organization is his mind. and usually a child like this is less accepted by others. Children will be passive with the world around them. For example, a child who participates in an organization in the future, these children will tend to be more passive. Because they always influenced by the violence, they think if they give an opinion then they get violent treatment.    
            Third, Children is becoming aggressive. A child who frequently watches violence on television will have higher levels of anger. Because in the child's memory will always imagined that the violence makes a child think if there is a problem they will  finish it with violence. Preschoolers will usually behave more aggressively than usual after they watch television programs which is composed with a variety of exciting action, especially after they watch violence on television.
What are the adverse effects caused by television programs for children? And the answer is the Children will become a copycat from the film , do somethings bad, and more aggressive than before. So i recommend that the parents should take a leading role in this problem and spend more time with their children. This is because the media owners only think about their own profit and not the effect of their programs, so it’s upon the parents to take it and do it themselves. They should watch at least one episode with their children and get the reactions of the children and educate them on the same time. The children should be taught to differentiate between fictions and what are real life episodes and discourage them from acting violently against other children for what they watch on television are fictions and not fact. Children should not be banned from watching such programmes but should be educated for good.

hmm.. gimana artikel gw barusan??
yahh,, bagus ato ngga itu relatif
dan yang penting, gw udah LULUS

semangat ^_^

wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
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